Photo by Charlotte H. Wickham
Zucchero Architects (ZA) is an international architecture practice based in Ibiza that exhibits a deep understanding of the many and varied design needs of world travelers who desire to create their home in Ibiza and worldwide. One of only a handful of architects on the White Isle, Mr. Zucchero is a talented designer of the residential architectural world, highly qualified to assist clients in their search for that exclusive lifestyle change that is so uniquely Ibiza.
He possesses a special world view and talent that provides a total package of Architecture, Landscaping, Urban and Interior Design whit an extensive experience in the design and management of complex international residential projects.
Zucchero's world famous designs, such as 10 Degrees and the signature Über Houses Series, ensure every project is handled with flair, originality and safety.
Mr. Zucchero is also available to work together with other architects in designing and facilitating of their personal projects in Ibiza offering management and consulting services.
ZA has strategic alliances with renowned architectural & interior design firms in London, Amsterdam, , Mykonos and Italy. Mr. Zucchero is also the Co Director of Ibiza Concepts, a dynamic property development company based both in London and Ibiza and Opalus Group, an international design studio basedo in Pesaro, Italy.
To meet the demands of the fast-developing economies overseas , we continue to expand and diversify our operations opening an international office in Argentina through a partnership with Perez-Cortes & Gonzalez Arquitectos, one of the leading architecture firms with a hybrid mixed background in design, engineering and real estate development .
Qualifications & Memberships.
MA in Urban Planning & Historic Building Restoration, UVA.
Bachelor of Architecture; Design & Urban Planning, UNR.
Lecturer of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, U of T.
Researcher of the Venice Gateway for Science and Technology, VEGA.
Former Associate Professor of Urban Planning, UNR.
Invited Lecturer of the Raffles Institute of Design in Shangai.
Member of the Consejo Superior de Arquitectos de España, Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Sveriges Arkitekter, Branchevereniging Nederlandse Architectenbureaus ,The American Institute of Architects , an the Royal Institute of British Architects.
"I only commit to projects that are personally rewarding, that excite me. All it's about how to master the crucial difference between the empirical and the intuitive"
„Ich engagiere mich nur für Projekte, die mich persönlich bereichern und die mich begeistern. Es geht nur darum, den entscheidenden Unterschied zwischen dem Empirischen und dem Intuitiven zu meistern.“